Open AiR Oregon

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about our residency program, check out these FAQs below before reaching out to us.

For more information about Open AiR Residency program, and to access the application, click here.

How much does this residency cost? How much to apply?

There are no residency costs aside from your own investment, whether that is fiscal, spiritual, time, etc.; whatever investment means to you.

What does Open AiR fund?

  • Workshops

  • Curatorial projects

  • Specialized classes or instruction

  • Art-related travel (research, creative exploration, heritage journey, etc.)

  • Performance or exhibition opportunity

  • Art-related podcast, video, or other audio/video projects

What does Open AiR NOT fund?

  • Acquisition of new equipment, unless it is directly related to a project or outcome

  • Conference attendance

  • Tuition towards a degree-seeking program

  • Projects or opportunities that have already happened– this is not a reimbursement fund.

  • This residency cannot fund another artist residency opportunity.

  • This residency cannot be transferred to another person.

Do you accept creative groups and/or collaborations? 

Yes. Collaborations are accepted. There should be one point person in the application. Collaborative members should be listed in the proposal. We require CVs and images from all artists in the group.

What kind of artist support (beyond monetary) will I receive from Open AiR?

Open AiR will work with each artist on a case by case basis in terms of artist support if the artist requests or requires things like mentorship, technical support, space/venue partnership, etc. in the proposal. Applicants should have done their research on these details before submitting an application to Open AiR Oregon.

Does my residency proposal need to have a public component? 

No, it is not required, but artists are strongly encouraged to have some community engagement or public presentation, if/when it makes sense for their particular project. 

Will Open AiR pair me/my project/my idea with an Oregon organization if I haven’t secured one yet? 

Yes, we will do our best to pair artists and organizations when necessary. However, proposals should be thoroughly developed and display evidence of research and effort towards this sort of partnership.

Is there a limit to residency, project, or opportunity duration? 

Yes, all projects should be completed within a year of acceptance. Artists can apply for one six-month extension for unanticipated life circumstances.

How long does it take, once selected, to receive my award funds?

We aim to distribute funds in thirty days from award notification.

How long do I have to use the funds?

You have one year (12 months) from receipt of award funds to complete your project.

Does Open AiR fund studio space? 

Open AiR does fund studio/creative space, but this must be in service of a larger goal or opportunity outlined in the proposal. Open AiR cannot fund open-ended studio fees at this time.

Still have questions? Contact us at